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The favourite films of Trump and Clinton

The US presidential candidates are both big movie buffs, but what do their cinematic interests say about them? Tristan Daley looks at the titles they say they cherish the most.

A few years ago Donald Trump appeared on the US film channel Turner Classic Movies to share his favourite movies. Among the titles were Gone with the Wind, which the property developer said he liked partly because of how it stated the importance of owning land, and Citizen Kane, about an omnipresent media figure who attempts to leverage his personal wealth into a major political career. Hillary Clinton has said that The Wizard of Oz is her favourite film – a movie that many have said is an allegory for progressive politics.Talking Movies’ Tristan Daley explores what the candidates’ favourite films say about them and reveals that there was an even bigger cineaste in this US election cycle than Trump or Clinton.If you would like to comment on this story or anything else you have seen on BBC Culture, head over to our Facebook page or message us on Twitter.
T/H: bbc

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