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Indonesia 'coffee killer' trial: Jessica Wongso found guilty of murder

A woman accused of murdering her friend by slipping cyanide into her coffee has been found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in jail by an Indonesian court, in a case that gripped the country.

Jessica Wongso, an Indonesian citizen and Australian permanent resident, said the verdict was "not fair".
The victim, Wayan Mirna Salihin, met Wongso at a Jakarta cafe in January.
She died minutes after sipping a coffee ordered by her friend. An autopsy found traces of cyanide in her body.
The trial of Wongso, dubbed by some as the "Coffee Killer", attracted intense public interest in Indonesia as well as Australia, where Wongso and Ms Salihin had met and lived for several years.
Wongso denied all the charges and her lawyers have said they will appeal against the verdict.
Prosecutors argued she had decided to kill Ms Salihin after the latter had advised her to break up with her boyfriend.
Defence lawyers had argued that police never found cyanide in Wongso's possession, and she had never been seen spiking the coffee.
Australian police agreed to assist Indonesian police with their investigation after receiving assurances that she would not be handed the death penalty.

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