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Bizarre photo feet controversial around the world

The controversy on the internet related to optical illusions problem is not something strange. And remember, the global social network ever since the controversy rocked the color of dark blue or yellow dress white 2016 and these days, the internet is up waves as couples bizarre picture.
Controversy occurred when photos appeared on the social network Twitter, some have argued that this couple feet lick of paint, but others claimed it was swept varnishes. Who posted the photo caption: "Once you look, you'll be haunting it."
Once looked, many people conclude that, legs are covered with a layer of varnish or wrapped in a layer of nylon balls, but there are suggestions that are simply a few streaks of white paint is spreadable.
Only a few hours after posting on Twitter, the photo has received more than 5000 reviews of this social network users, of whom the majority raised their opinion, the few remaining is surprised about what is witness.

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