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US presidential elections: Fate has arranged?

Serene behavior of the Democrats showed that they believed held the victory in hand. The Washington Post said, except for miracles, Donald Trump does not have a chance to win, when the majority of voters in the four states oscillator (Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Nevada) were in favor of the former foreign minister.
After months pitted on forums and field athletes Vietnam, the debate on TV last day determined 19:10 Hillary Clinton is much more dominant rival Donald Trump. According to the poll results, the billionaire lost 12 points. Investor Business Daily reported only for Mr. Trump wins 2 points.

But everyone, from black voters, voters Latin America, women until a core of Republicans are against him or backed the rival Democratic Party, including former Defense Minister Collin Powell recently said.
Kellyanne Conway, director of election campaign of the billionaire acknowledged "lags far behind rivals" - according to the RFI. Meanwhile, Republican candidates have insisted, "is the winner in Florida will win everywhere".
Want elected president must win 270 Electoral College votes. After relying on the results of the popular vote and the Electoral College vote to decide who cornered.
According to the Princeton Election Consortium agency, up to 26.10 days, Hillary Clinton has 273 Electoral College votes, Mr. Donald Trump was 114 votes. Also, the popular vote was 49.4% Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump 43.2%.
Thus, the gap was too far away, the victory in favor of Hillary Clinton. From now until election day, Mr. Trump can count on someone to turn things around?

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