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War of words: China rebukes America and Japan over South China ocean as summit wraps up in Laos

Chinese deputy foreign chief Liu Zhenmin accuses the 2 allies of making an attempt to drive splinter in Association of Southeast Asian Nations alliance by raising judicature ruling

China lashed out at the u.  s. and Japan on Thursday, accusatory the 2 allies of making an attempt to foment discord between Beijing and its Southeast Asian neighbours over lingering tensions within the South China ocean.
The accusation by Chinese vice government minister Liu Zhenmin came once the East Asia Summit in capital of Laos over while not reprimanding China on its self-assertiveness within the waters, actions that have strained ties with its neighbours.

After the summit, Liu praised the 10-strong Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which incorporates four rival claimants, for showing restraint and disposition to seek out solutions to the disputes.
“A total of sixteen out of eighteen nations, as well as all Association of Southeast Asian Nations member nations, supported the joint efforts by China and Association of Southeast Asian Nations to push ahead with negotiations on the code of conduct on the South China ocean,” he said.
“Only 2 nations mentioned the international arbitration ruling and insisted the ruling ought to be binding and enforced,” Liu said, while not naming the USA or Japan.
He was referring the Permanent Court of Arbitration within the Hague’s dismissal in Gregorian calendar month of Beijing’s philosophy claims over abundant of the South China ocean.

US President Barack Obama raised the ruling throughout his talks in Laos over the past few days.
“I recognise this raises tensions however I conjointly foresee to ­discussing however we are able to constructively move forward along to lower tensions and promote diplomacy and regional stability,” Obama aforesaid.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe conjointly singled out China and expressed “serious concerns” concerning Beijing’s progressively muscular claims within the waters.

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