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Kilifi water firm staff strike over poor working conditions

Angry workers of the Kilifi-Mariakani Water and Sewerage Company (Kimawasco) Mon morning staged a go slow and interrupted services in their busy offices in Kilifi city.
Their action was prompted by what they termed as poor operating conditions and neglectfulness by the management to deal with a number of their grievances that aforementioned had persisted for nearly 9 years.

They have demanded the group action of the company’s board of management that they defendant of not caring regarding their welfare.

The over a hundred staff took management of the most get, obstruction the doorway to the offices by setting blazing many tyres.

Workers from different departments WHO wished to access their offices had a rough time because of the massive ball of smoke that was caused by the burning tyres.

Residents watched in feeling at the development drama at the usually quiet offices as smoke rose into the air and therefore the staff beat drums.


Kilifi County Food and Allied staff Union secretary mountain Mzungu defendant Kimawasco’s management of misappropriating funds and harassing junior employees.

“Today we've set we have a tendency to don't seem to be operating however [we] need to forward our grievances.

“We have written to the management [several times] and command conferences with them however no answer has been reached.

“Water has been disconnected in many places and once cash is paid they're not reconnected. it's come back to our attention that the management is wasting cash in unwarranted journeys all the time,” aforementioned Mr Mzungu.

The staff have insisted that their solely hope are going to be the immediate overhaul of the board of management and obtaining new competent individuals to run the affairs of the corporate.

JUNIOR employees ill-treated

Mr Mzungu aforementioned the practice associate degreed unfair dismissal of junior employees had reached an atrocious level.

“Junior employees during this company square measure a suffering ton. they're not paid their allowances consequently and if they struggle to complain, they're unemployed. once senior officers build mistakes, can|they're going to|they'll} be lined and zip will happen to them.

“Enough is enough and that we need the total management to be pillaged and a replacement one place in situ in order that we are able to work as a team,” he said.

Kilifi County govt for Water, surroundings, Forestry, Natural Resources and Waste Management, Kiringi Mwachitu, urged the staff to resume their duties as they appear into their grievances.

“I grasp you're aggrieved and wish to speak one thing however we'd like to sit down and speak in order that we are able to get an answer.

“Let American state meet along with your officers in order that I will hear your grievances before meeting with the management,” aforementioned Mr Mwachitu.
T/H: Nation

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