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'Mad Max: Fury Road' while not computer graphics remains buggy

"Mad Max: Fury Road" was a surprising visual masterpiece, that won most of the technical classes at the Oscars last year (including production style, costume style, and sound editing), however it lost Best Visual Effects to "Ex Machina" — not a lot of of a surprise, considering director George Miller
centered thus heavily on sensible effects.
see more 'Mad Max: Fury Road'===>>>

There were still some visual effects further, of course, however even while not them, "Mad Max: Fury Road" continues to be jaw-dropping stuff. ESportsTV (h/t Uproxx) spliced along a compilation of raw footage, sans CGI, and it's nearly pretty much as good because the final moving picture.
Those skull-pounding crashes, horrific explosions, the flamethrowers, the aerial work — all of that was done period. Of course, CGI further extraordinary touches to the moving picture, however it's wonderful to check what proportion of it Miller was able to accomplish with sensible effects.

T/H: msn

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